> 春节2024 > 你马上过年了吗英文





- Spring Festival is coming.

- Spring Festival is around the corner.

- Here comes the Spring Festival.


1) Will you go back to Beijing during the Spring Festival?

2) Will you go back to Beijing for the Spring Festival?

- The first question indicates whether someone will be in Beijing during the Spring Festival, while the second question specifically asks if the person will go to Beijing to celebrate the holiday.


Are you planning to spend your spring festival here?

- This question asks if the person intends to celebrate the Spring Festival in the current location.

I will not go home during the spring festival, but I do plan to celebrate it.

- This statement indicates that the person will not be returning to their hometown but still intends to celebrate the holiday in some way.

你们过春节吗? 英语怎么说

- Do you celebrate the Chinese New Year?

- Do you celebrate the Spring Festival?

- It is important to note that \"the\" should be added before \"Spring Festival.\"


- The Chinese New Year is coming.

- The Spring Festival is round the corner.

- Other expressions include: \"is approaching,\" \"is drawing near,\" and \"is getting closer.\"



Children can receive red packets during the Chinese New Year.


What do we have for dinner?

- This question is asking about the menu for the dinner during the Spring Festival.


How long are you planning to stay here?

Are you going to celebrate the Spring Festival in China this time?

- The first question asks about the duration of the person\'s stay, while the second question specifically asks if they will celebrate the Spring Festival in China.


Spring Festival is coming.


A: Happy Spring Festival B: Happy Spring Festival A: Yesterday, the right to eat dinner B: Of course. In t.

- This segment seems to be a conversation or comment between two individuals, expressing greetings and excitement for the upcoming Spring Festival.


The Chinese Spring Festival is approaching soon.

The Spring Festival in China is coming soon.

The Spring Festival in China is almost here.